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*These pages are available free of charge, so there may be no barrier between them and the people who may need them. Please share.
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Free Comic Coloring Pages for Download
The comic coloring pages (below) are comics you can color! They tell Bible stories, can be used for churches, missions, and ministries, and work for all ages, from nursery to hospice care.
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These images were sent in from people whose children/grandchildren colored the comic coloring pages.
Send in photos of the colored pages! Include the location, age group of the colorer, and what medium was used. It may get featured here, so we can see colored pages from all over!
* For privacy reasons, please show the coloring pages only, not the people who colored them.
By Faith
These coloring pages feature people who lived “by faith.” They were examples for us to follow–a “great cloud of witnesses.“ People “of whom the world was not worthy…“

The Seven “I AM” Statements of Jesus”
This seven-page set of comic coloring pages covers the seven “I AM” statements Jesus makes in the Gospel of John, with a bonus page: “Before Abraham was I AM.”