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October Series – Wisdom & Folly

October is the month when artists post a lot of stuff usually drawn with ink. I do my own thing, like many do. Times are crazy. We could use a little wisdom (or a lot, actually). The book of Proverbs illustrates wisdom and folly personified as two allegorical women. Of course, these are understood to be allegorical and not representing actual women. This is a creative literary device used to help communicate the message of Proverbs. It turns out that’s also a fun and unique way to depict Proverbs in graphical form.

So, if that’s the idea, how should Wisdom and Folly be drawn? Proverbs presents Wisdom as the ideal and Folly as the opposite of that ideal. Wisdom leads to life and prosperity; Folly leads to death and ruin. Wisdom needed to be perfect in appearance (or as close as skill could manage), her hair never out of place, always adorned with jewelry (including pearls….pearls of wisdom), etc. She needed to reflect the heaven in some way. Her robes are white, her hair is blonde (golden), she wears a crown—even her eyes are blue like the sky. And behind here is shining light. Folly is quite the opposite. She wears no jewelry, her robes are grungy and brown, her hair is dark and unkempt—she even has a cowlick to help sell that. There’s something sinister about her.

The differences are further accentuated by favoring different background colors for each. Wisdom’s backgrounds tend to be blue, like the sky, whereas Folly’s are red—the color of danger. There are exceptions to this, but having an overall color scheme helps communicate the piece.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” (PROVERBS 1:7a)

Wisdom shows up visual in pieces where a person is being wise or instructed to be wise, and Folly shows up in those place where a person is being foolish. Anyway, as these are posted on social media (social media links in the top-right) please remember that this is intended to be fun, and it is also intended to get you into the Bible. If this comic inspires you to read Proverbs, it has done its job well. If it motivates you to seek the Lord and ask Him for wisdom, it has done its job even better.

What is Art?

What is Art? In art school, the question was posed as if the answer is relative, ambiguous, or unknowable.

It’s not.

I have a simple answer: Art is Communication.

Think about it. An artist paints a beautiful sunset—what is that, if not communicating the beauty of a sunset? Another artist paints Napoleon riding majestically on his horse. It is no mystery why that painting was made!

When God spoke the stars into being, He saw that they were good. That sounds like art to me, but, if art is communication, what does it communicate? “The heavens declare the glory of God…” (Psalm 19:1a) Well, that is definitely communication.

It makes sense that the art that communicates the greatest, most important message is the greatest, most important art, so I have a better question: What is the greatest, most important message?

I have a simple answer for this too: God’s Word, the Gospel.

That is why Daniel Media exists.

Let’s go communicate the greatest, most important message of all.

New Website, New Direction

Isaac as a baby, laughing

As you can see, Daniel Media has a brand new website! From little details like a brighter background and more artwork, to the bigger changes, like blog posts and an emphasis on the popular coloring pages, all changes are made with the hopes of serving more effectively.

The hopes for the blog are to post engaging, compellingly attractive articles that go into more depth with the Biblical basis for the artwork, different elements of the art and design—articles that inform and involve visitors.

The comic coloring pages have taken on a life of their own. These are being downloaded and being used in ministry of one type or another. My aim is to be more intentional about it and find ways that will allow me to dedicate more time and resources to developing more comic coloring pages, as well as translate the existing pages into other languages for use in missions.

Enjoy the new site. Send an email and let me know what you think. If you find this content beneficial, share with your friends!